Monday, September 13, 2010

The Truth Goes...

Somewhere in here. I personally tend to base my stories on things I've experienced, read or otherwise have come across in some shape or form. They usually stem from some true event, or something else I've read or come across, mostly because I find those things to be the easiest to write about, and I don't think I've ever actually tried to make up something completely original, and even if I did, it'd be hard to write without drawing some sort of influence from reality.

While I wouldn't say that a story needs to be directly based on some true event in order to be effective or meaningful, I think it is that grain of truth that makes a work of fiction have a particular impact. For instance, comedy is generally funny because it is , while a drama or tragedy has an emotional impact because it is something we can empathize with or relate to.

1 comment:

inx said...

agree with the last sentence. :) there's a bit of truth in fiction for the writer, and then everyone else picks out their own little bit of truth.

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