Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jazz Pianos and Why Didn't I Type This Up Last Night

So I was hanging around Bell Square trying to kill time before my Princeton interview, and there was someone playing piano near the Center Court area on the second floor. I only stayed for a short time before I had to leave, but it was one of those random small moments that can make a day amazing.

I couldn't recognize any melodies other than the super obvious jazz arrangement of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, but for the fifteen minutes that I just sat and listened, it was great. I heard some energetic pieces, some slow emotional ones, in that short period she played songs that seemed to span a whole range of emotions. Saying it was magical just doesn't feel right, but it's the best I can do.

I really really really should have typed this up yesterday. It's hard enough to recapture the feeling of being there and listening to a great performance, but to do it a day after is just... blah. It was like letting myself totally zone out and forget about everything for a little bit. I guess this is the feeling I get from a good performance - sometimes it's easy to forget how amazing hearing something live is, especially when a CD or mp3 is so much more convenient, but there really is a huge difference.

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